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Too Young Too Soon


        Times of Peace, Prosperity and Love that last a Lifetime

But why not in my life time? I don’t want to wait another life time.

As the present becomes the past, moving slowly but much too fast .

Hold on please , give me just one more day , I ask, before you go away.

Oh, if I could make time stand still.

I would , I could , I will “One Day”

Tell you all that I feel. And what will I say?

If I had it my may

In a heartbeat I would take your place

I would say ,take me instead, for you are far too young,

So full of life, and your life has just begun.

You deserve much more than the fate of a tragic plot.

You’re worth more than many in this world.

But this world was worthy of you not.

I feel so lost without you,

each night I cry myself to sleep

Then one day just before the morning dew

an Angel whispered to me

“Expect a miracle”

Stay prayerful, and write a Book of Memories bittersweet

This Book is written with smiles and laughter and love so deep

It is sealed with the Blood, Sweat and Tears of your family

like the eternal flame of Jah your love lives in every one of us

And shines bright like your smile that we miss so much

Every day like the shining of the sun, night stars, and the Moon

we reflect on the Journey you took (Too Young Too Soon)

I know we will see you again because Gods Word is true,

Then we’ll share sweet memories of the things we used to do

You will be wiser then, and I will too.

Then you won’t be Too Young ,and it won’t be Too Soon.


Written for Benjamin James


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